Quick Tips
  • Use the buttons in the left-hand navigation bar to move back and forth between the various "views" and "departments" of this disc. What the buttons do.

  • To go directly to the comping version of a photo# you've seen in the printed booklet that comes with this disc: Use the "by Photo #" button. What the buttons do

  • You do not need to use this browser at all to access any versions of the images.  You can simply go directly to your CD-ROM drive to the folder marked:

folder.jpg (1581 bytes)

Image Data Files
Then, look to the following sub-folders to select (by photo #) whichever version of an image you're after:
folder.jpg (1581 bytes) Thumbnail Versions
folder.jpg (1581 bytes) Comping Versions
folder.jpg (1581 bytes) High Resolution Versions
What the buttons do
Shows Thumbnails Click here to see thumbnails of all the images on your Disc or to return to the thumbnail view at any time (for example, after pulling up a "full-size comping view" of any single image.) You can also use your browser's "back" button.
Find a specific photo # If you know the photo# you want to see (for example, if you spotted in image in the printed booklet that accompanies the disc) click here and you'll be able to select an image by number.
How to use this disc Well, that's where you are now.  Click this button and look to the top of the frame for hyperlinks to the various instructional items.  All these instructions are contained on one page, so, if you prefer, just scroll down this page to see everything.
Legal stuff!  Important to know! You really should take the time to read these because, by opening your disc, you've agreed to these terms.   There's nothing unusual or onerous here, but, whether you're dealing with Comtock or anyone else, you need to be "up to speed" on these important photo-related issues.   Please pay special attention to the part about not using photos of recognizable people in any defamatory or humiliating way. Model release info.
Preview lots of other Klips discs! Click here to learn how you can find out about other discs.  Bear in mind, however, that we're adding new discs constantly, and to see the very latest, you'll need to go to www.comstock.com.
Learn about Comstock's website This doesn't' take you directly to our website, but, rather, to a page on this disc that will tell you about our website-- and all the great reasons (we think) why you might want to visit. And, once you arrive at this page, we'll give you easy ways to get to the website.  (Look for some special offers, too...)

Returns you to the Home Page

Click this icon to go back to the home page.
Tips on Downloading
From within this browser:
  • For comping versions
    Click on any thumbnail to go to full-image view. Then:
Mac: With cursor over image, hold down mouse button and choose appropriate command for saving the image.
PC With cursor over image, click the right button and "Save as..."

From your favorite desktop design program:

  • For comping versions or high-resolution versions
    Using your design program's "import" command, go to your CD-ROM drive and specify the folder labelled:
        folder.jpg (1581 bytes) . Image Data Files
          Then, look to the following sub-folders to select (by photo #) whichever             version of an image you're after:
folder.jpg (1581 bytes)
Thumbnail Versions
folder.jpg (1581 bytes) Comping Versions
folder.jpg (1581 bytes) High Resolution Versions
How to Access High-Resolution Images
You can view thumbnails and comping resolution views from this browser.  To access the high-resolution version of any image, make note of the photo # and then, from your desktop, go directly to the files on your CD-ROM drive and select the folder labeled:
          folder.jpg (1581 bytes)   Image Data Files
Then select the following sub-folder...
folder.jpg (1581 bytes)
High Resolution Versions

...and select the photo# you want.

Technical Specifications
Reproduction Format (High resolution versions)
28 MB
300 DPI
RGB (convert easily to CMYK for 4-color printing)
JPEG - maximum compression
Image size: 8x12 inches
Comping & Browsing format (Thumbnails & comping versions)
72 DPI

JPEG - maximum compression
Image Size - 5x7 inches
Model Releases
All Comstock images are model released for commercial purposes. However, U.S. and international law does not allow "libelous" or "defamatory" or "humiliating" uses of a person's likeness even if a general model release has been signed.  That's true with any photograph-- whether you get it from us or anyone else.  If you have any questions abpit the nature of your intended use, Comstock's Customer Service Representatives are ready to guide you-- but defamatory or libelous uses are specifically and emphatically prohibited.